

巴西最大報刊:Folha de S.Paulo采訪銳仕方達

銳仕方達獵頭 公司資訊 2011年09月19日

2010年8月20日,巴西發(fā)行量最大的新聞報刊:Folha de S.Paulo(南圣保羅新聞時報)駐北京記者FabianoMaisonnave就美國和歐洲高級技能人才到中國發(fā)展問題采訪了銳仕方達獵頭公司資深顧問STEVEN。




Fabiano Maisonnave:Has your company received a larger number of résumés from the US andEurope in the past two years?

Steven: Yes, we have received resumes from America or Europe, but the amount are not more than 500 people. And they are basicly Chinese students who study aboard or Oversea Chinese. However, the native people at American or European are very rare.


Fabiano Maisonnave:What is the profile of Westerners who are seeking jobs in Asia

Steven: There are four type of Western people who are currently working in Asia.
???????? The first type, who are the expert in financial, IT and fast, manufacturing industries and engineering field, their company send them to Asia as manager or director in Asian Branch.


???????? The second type: who used to study in Asian Countries and work in after the graduation, mainly engaged in foreign language teaching or translation and oversea study consulting.


???????? The third type: who came the Asian country looking for business opportunities or came here started own business.


???????? The fourth type: who are hold short term working contract or the overseas headquarters sent them work in Asia in a short-term project.


Fabiano Maisonnave:.Do you think this is a trend?

Steven: :Following the Chinese Economic growth and the market further opened up to World,and the famous Chinese Enterprises have been reorganized in worldwide,thus the Human Resource development is not only focus on their own land, the oversea advance talents became more attractive. Such as, Chinese Government has also published related policy to encourage foreign people working in China. In the next five years, China will plenty of job positions and create more business opportunities for the foreigners.


Fabiano Maisonnave: What are the main difficulties for Westerners to get access to jobsin Asia, especially in China?

Steven:: The main difficulties present at two areas:

????????? First,? China's cultural and personal relationship are very different to Western, there are huge difficulties for Westerners to understanding or dealing with.


????????? Second, in most western countries, the government and companies had set up such high standards in social security and welfare benefits, which are not at same level in today China, even the Chinese government and companies tried to improve in many years.



Folha de S.Paulo 官方網(wǎng)站地址:http://www.folha.uol.com.br/


